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About the author
Dr. Pushparaja is the author of the reference book entitled Radiological Protection and Safety-A Practitioner’s Guide, published in September 2019. The book provides all the updated information on the radiological protection and safety aspects in detail with the relevant recent references. It is a unique reference book.
The reference book reflects the overview for the benefit of professionals, like Radiological Safety Officers/Health Physicists/medical physicists involved in ensuring radiation protection and safety in different exposure scenarios, i.e., planned exposure situations, emergency exposure situations and existing exposure situations. The contents of this book will also be useful for teachers, students, trainers, regulators, facility operators, medical health physicists and researchers.

Book review
The book Review was published in the quarterly journal Radiation Protection and Environment (RPE), Vol. 42(3)/2019/119-121, published by the Indian Association for Radiation Protection (IARP). Readers are requested to go through the review for more information about the book using the link:
Dr. D.D. Rao, the Editor of the journal concludes: “In my view, author has put in all his professional experience spanning over four decades in preparing this reference book, particularly in chapters 6-10, and chapters 14-16. I sincerely hope that professionals, students, teachers and researchers, or whosoever refer this book, will get immensely benefited from the contents of this reference book”.